Post Surgery Update
My surgery went well and I came home Tues. night and I'm doing well. I haven't had too much pain and I have been able to sleep fairly well. Right now I'm to focus on recovery and limit my daily activity. I have been referred for PT/OT. I am going to Johns Hopkins on Tues. Feb. 12 for my follow up to have my staples removed and, hopefully, my biopsy results will be in as well so we can begin a plan for treatment. When in the hospital the Dr. said surgery at this point is not a good option because the tumor is deep and, as it has grown, it has intwined with my brain. Therefore, surgery would involve not getting all the tumor and, in the process could alter my quality of life. I will be doing radiation, but will need chemo only if the tumor is a higher grade. Please pray for the best results possible for this situation! God gave me such a peace through this week. When going into the OR I could feel His presence and I was not afraid. Ultimately, I know that my life is in His hands and that He has known all my days before I was even born. I am trusting His will for me and I know He is the one who can heal me perfectly and completely! Thank you for praying, for all of your encouragement, and your support. It has been a great comfort to us! Please pray for Lucas and Addy because it is now obvious that I am not well. They have been asking more questions and have been sad at times. Please pray for peace for them and for wisdom for us to know how to help them through this time. Kierstyn is doing great and I'm so thankful that she has continued to transition well through all of the changes. She is a happy six month old, playing and learning to push herself up. Her smiles bring us all such joy during this difficult time.