A Wonderful Life

I have been overwhelmed by the support and encouragement we have received. Our family, friends, and community have come together and brought us so much comfort during a very difficult time. You will never know how much your prayers, cards, messages, kind words, transportation, child care, meals, and financial support have blessed us. Sometimes I feel like George Bailey to have received such an outpouring of love and to ​know how much everyone cares for our family. This situation is not what we expected in life. No one expects to get cancer but we are blessed and we can be joyful even in the darkest times. This situation gave me the opportunity to see life from a different perspective. To cherish the things we often take for granted, the time we are given and the relationships we have with family and friends. My children's smiles, hugs, and kisses are all the more sweeter and the time spent with my husband is more precious. Most importantly this has been a time of drawing even closer to God and receiving great comfort and strength only He can give! Yes, I truly have been blessed with a wonderful life!